Safety First
Safety Always
Walk behind any ICSS employee on one of our jobsites you will see the phrase “Safety First, Safety Always” printed on their vest.
At Integrated Construction we are relentless in our approach to prevent each and every incident; as we believe through pre-planning with our daily pre-task plans, JHA management and safety permitting process the site safety expectations are consistently communicated through all levels of the project. This communication assists us in maintaining a strong culture of safety with our project teams, subcontractors and clients.
Integrated Construction recognizes the need for supporting subcontractors in the area of health and safety. Some of the training and educational elements of Integrated Construction’s zero accident program include:
- Formal orientation package for all workers prior to starting work onsite.
- Field specific safety training for rigging, fall protection, incident reporting, emergency response, first aid/CPR
- Advanced Safety Training
Ensuring public safety is a critical part of our safety planning process. We work very closely with all partners and stakeholders to work seamlessly in public spaces; developing transportation/public safety management plans specific to the work site and to the local roads and walkways.